3. 2. 1. Outline
Over the years we have discovered a recurring theme in our conversations, the outline of which could be captured on one hand. It was simple enough to teach to our youngest children but sturdy enough to serve us well as adults.
At Church & Main, we pursue THREE primary objectives. They are:
To Obey God.
To Love People, and
To take Care of Things.
We ask TWO important questions. They are:
What does the Bible say about this? (whatever “this” happens to be) and
Will I believe it?
We remember to practice ONE right answer. That is:
Yes, Lord!
The first and second objectives in our outline reflect the two greatest commandments while the third references the general responsibility of stewardship. We are reminded that love is demonstrated by keeping the Lord’s commands.
“If you love me, keep my commands.”
The first question was identified by my children as Don’s most distinctive phrase and it came to characterize our family’s conversations.
Don and I had only been married for about six months when the kids asked me to come into the office for a private conversation. Bucky was the spokesperson for the group, being the most diplomatic and the best negotiator of the three.
“Mom, you’ve got to do something about him!” (meaning Don). His two big sisters nodded their heads in agreement.
“Whenever there is a question around here or we need to talk about something, he always asks ‘What does the Bible say about it?’ “ (His sarcasm was on full display).
“We are tired of hearing it and we want you to make him stop!”
My response was a defining moment against the mutiny of my little crew. Without falter, I replied. “Son, first of all, that is my husband and he is the head of this house now. Second, he is RIGHT and YOU will be the one that needs to adjust!”
“Oh,” he said, swiftly leading a full retreat.
Don’s question is now echoed on the lips of our grandchildren.
The second question serves as a reminder that the word of God requires a conscientious reply.
Our one answer requires a lifetime of practice. We know it is a continuing effort at which we will all fall short.
As regenerate men and women, our lives are being restored. We are learning to walk the paths of righteousness clearly laid out for us in scripture. We are learning the self-discipline of taking every thought captive to the obedience of our Christ.
May we be found faithful.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”